Australian Based Electronic Designers & Manufacturers
TA200/TA300 Towing Modules
(Last updated on 6th February 2018)
I have purchased a trailer with LED lights. When I connect my trailer to the existing towing socket on the rear of my vehicle, the brake & indicator LED lights flash very quickly. Will the TA200/TA300 stop this?
Yes. The TA200 & TA300 towing modules contains a “low pass filter” on each light circuit. These filter out the fast pulses so that your trailer LED lights operate correctly. The flashing is caused by the vehicle's ECU which is testing the load on each light circuit. It does this to test for blown filament bulbs. The LEDs react to the very fast pulses, whereas incandescent filaments take considerably longer to light up.
The tail light & brake light on my vehicle use the same filament. Can the TA200/TA300 still be connected to my vehicle?
Yes. We will provide you instructions on how to connect the TA200 towing module when your vehicle contains a single bulb for both the tail light & the brake light. The TA300 contains pulse width modulation (PWM) detection circuitry which operates on many (but not all) vehicles. This speeds up & simplifies the installation on these vehicles. For this reason we prefer that you "peer through" the rear lens side of your vehicle's light assembly before ordering. If there appears to be a single bulb (or the same series of LEDs) to operate the tail light & brake lights, the TA300 is generally easier to install.
You state that the TA200/TA300 can be installed to almost any vehicle. Is this correct?
Yes, this is correct providing the vehicle complies with Australian Design Rules. American vehicle’s often flash the brake light as a turning signal indicator. The TA200/TA300 does not operate on these vehicles.
Are there any vehicles that the TA200/TA300 cannot be installed on?
Currently the TA200/TA300 cannot be installed on lights that are activated by switching the earth wire (instead of the +12V). These vehicles are quite rare. Some model Jaguars operate their lights in this way. If there is enough demand, please contact us as a unit can be designed to meet this need.
The wires in my rear socket on the car seem to be reversed to how they are shown in your instructions. Why is this?
Wiring diagrams show the wire numbers (& wire colours) from the cable entry side of the vehicle socket & the trailer plug.
I also tow a caravan with normal incandescent bulbs fitted. Can the same socket (which is connected to your TA200/TA300 module) be used and will the caravan bulbs operate correctly?
Yes. The TA200 & TA300 will successfully operate both incandescents & LEDs. The inputs of the TA200/TA300 are designed to be connected directly to the existing rear light circuits. The trailer/caravan lights are switched directly from the battery, so no extra load is placed on the existing vehicle circuits.
The TA200 & TA300 OUTPUT loom is designed to replace the existing loom connected to the rear socket on your vehicle.
My existing OEM towing module has developed a fault. Can I bypass it with your TA200/TA300 towing module?
Yes. Just disconnect the existing OUTPUT loom from OEM towing module & the vehicle's rear towing socket. Make sure any dashboard warning lights are cancelled out. You may have to start your vehicle a number of times to cancel out the warning lights (some vehicles may need to have this reset by the dealer).
Once you are certain that you have no warning lights on the dashboard, simply install the TA200 towing module by connecting our INPUT loom the each rear light circuit. Connect the TA200 OUTPUT loom to the vehicle's rear towing socket. It's that simple.
I have some extra wires in my rear towing socket. Do I need to change these in any way?
If your towing socket is set up for a caravan (or for trailers weighing 2 tonnes or more), you will likely have additional wires to drive the electric brakes along with a +12 volt auxiliary wire (to power up fridges & lights) & possibly a Breakaway Remote Monitor. These wires are all left unchanged. The only wires you will change will be the left & right indicators, the tail light & the brake light circuit. The TA200 does contain a wire to operate reversing lights. If you have reversing lights installed on your trailer/caravan, then you can also connect this circuit.
My vehicle does not have an OEM towing module installed. Do I need to purchase one of these first before installing the TA200/TA300?
No. You do not need to purchase (nor install) an OEM towing module. Simply install the TA200/TA300 by itself.
How long is the warranty period on the TA200/TA300?
Both the TA200 & TA300 are built to an excellent standard. We therefore offer a 3 year warranty.
Can I purchase the TA200/TA300 Towing Module & then have my auto-electrician (or tow bar installer) connect it up for me?
Yes, many hundreds of customers have already chosen this course of action. Your auto-electrician (or tow bar installer) will have no trouble installing the TA200/TA300 as it is straightforward. This course of action will likely save you several hundred dollars. Your installer can call our office should they have any queries during the installation. We provide a comprehensive set of instructions with every towing module kit.
My existing rear towing socket has a thick earth wire which is connected directly to the vehicle chassis. Do I need to alter this in any way?
No. Simply leave this earth wire connected as it is. You then do not need to connect the thick (white) earth wire supplied with the TA200/TA300 loom kit (you only need to connect the thin earth wire as described in the instructions).
My existing rear towing socket contains a thick earth wire that leads directly back to the vehicle’s existing OEM towing module. What should I do?
You are disconnecting ALL the OUTPUT wires from the existing OEM towing module. Disconnect the thick earth wire from the existing OEM towing module & securely tape over the end. Now install the thick earth wire that is provided in the TA200/TA300 loom kit.
Will the TA200/TA300 turn off my reversing sensors?
No, but you may be able to on your on-board control screen on the dashboard. Check to see if this option is available on your vehicle. The reason the TA200/TA300 can successfully be installed to so many different vehicles is because the vehicle's electronics is unaware that a trailer/caravan has been connected. An auto-electrician can install a 12 pin flat connector on the rear of your vehicle with a reed (magnetic) switch in the flap. This will turn off your reversing sensors when you open the flap to connect your trailer/caravan plug into the socket. An alternative is to have an auto-electrician install a manual switch which is turned to the "off position" when you are towing a trailer/caravan.
Will the TA200/TA300 alter any vehicle specific settings once connected?
No. The vehicle is unaware that a trailer/caravan has been connected.
My existing OEM towing module has failed. Can I install the TA200 or TA300 instead of purchasing an expensive OEM towing module.
Yes, in fact many auto-electricians & tow-bar installers do exactly this. Some BMW & Mercedes OEM towing modules cost upwards of $800. As long as the rear lights on your vehicle still operate, the TA200 & TA300 can be successfully installed.
Who is the designer & manufacturer of the TA100 & TA200 & TA300 Towing Modules?
Gore Research Pty Ltd based in South Australia is the designer & manufacturer of these Towing Modules. You can find out more about us at