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NEW Towing Modules In Development


May 2018:

The TA220-LED towing module is currently being field tested. This model is specially designed for vehicles that contain LED lights at the rear. The TA220-LED is designed to be installed on ALL vehicles that contain rear LEDs (ie no incandescent bulbs). This model ensures that the indicator "flash" speed of the trailer/caravan closely follows that of the vehicle.

The TA220-LED towing module comes with a reversing light circuit & can drive 10A (120W) per circuit.


May 2018:

The TA220-I towing module is currently being field tested. This model is specially designed for vehicles that contain incansescent lights at the rear.

The TA220-I towing module comes with a reversing light circuit & can drive 10A (120W) per circuit.

It is expected that this model will successfully run on many different model vehicles. After more testing, a list will be provided of the vehicles that operate correctly.


After much field testing, we are proud to announce that the TA300 was released to the trade in late FEBRUARY 2016 & to the public on 12th October 2016.

The TA300 is in a slightly larger purpose built enclosure with a single mounting point.

It contains 2 x snap-on snap-off connectors along with 4 light circuits (as most installers advise us that they do not connect the reversing light output supplied in the TA200).

The TA300 is available with standard duty (10A) & extra heavy duty (20A) circuits for increased current loads.

The main advantage of the TA300 over the TA200 is that it "reads" the pulse width modulation (PWM) signal sent to combined tail light & brake light circuits. This can simplify installation on many European vehicles.


A new waterproof model will be available in ~ September 2018.

This model will be able to be connected outside of the vehicle. This is designed for customers who have two trailers, one with incandescent bulbs & another with LED lights (or for customers that have several vehicles for towing trailers/horse floats/caravans).


A new towing module to suit American vehicles (that flash the brake light as a turn signal) is being developed for our USA customers.

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